It's Black Friday again, aka Discount Day. But where's the value?
I I believe that everybody can give discounts - even my 83 years old mother! 😊 Selling based on value with good margins and Project Success as a result on the other hand requires intelligent, creative, eager and hard-working professionals.
Not sure where you are today in your business planning process for 2021. But it might be smart to pay attention to your Microsoft Dynamics 365 value proposition these days. Why? Well, the number of D365 partners keeps growing. And that puts pressure on your target markets. Besides, some of these partners might use low price as their weapon.
So here's a few considerations for your 2021 plans:
- how are you going to specialise if you're still a horizontal partner today?
- how much deeper can you go in your industry if you're already a specialised partner? Think moving from macro-verticals to micro-verticals
- if you already are a micro-vertical partner, how can you further improve the perceived value around that proposition in 2021? Think landing pages or separate micro-websites
Remember: selling D365 at low prices is bad for the health of your business. And most often ends up with poor project outcomes and unhappy customers!